Welcome to Online Money Vault

Welcome to Online Money Vault

Money Money and Money. Without money and investment how can you earn? This site will show you how to make money online. Online Jobs,paid surveys, wealth programs,affiliate programs,will lead you to online income.Here you will find lot of Business opportunities to make Money online.How to make Money online is an art which this website will show you. Free websites will assist you to make extra money and e-books, Computer spyware and digital products will strengthen you to achieve your goals. Online opportunities like data entry, Freelance opportunities will definitely lead you to earn millions of dollars online.Google and Yahoo programs will assist you and give you more opportunities in theOnline Money Vault. Making money online is a clever task that you have e very attentive. You have to feel the trends of the market. You have to be very liberal in your action. No matter what comes by one will have to go on and on until your sites and blogs are very popular in the web environment. You will have use various tools to make your site or blog popular among millions of website visitors. If someone thinks he can be a millionier within 24 hours he or she is walking towards a mirage.

Making Money At Home Opportunities.

Working-at-home has become very popular now. Most people would like to have their own ways of making money at leisure. Make Money Working From The Comfort Of Your Own Home! How often have you heard this. How often have you thought about it. How frequently have you seen this advertisement in TV Channels. How much have you come across blinking advertisements in websites online regarding working at home. Well my dear friends here is a great opportunity for you to explore many possibilities. Take a chance and brighten your life. Never miss Opportunities that come by. Online Money Vault. would like to serve you to achieve a bright future for you. What is more your are your Chairman,Director,Manager. You become free. Never miss this chance Click banner and visit the most important place you are going to visit.

Make Money Online Easy

It's amazing how remarkably easy it is to create your own website and make easy money from home. If your connected to the internet, you can easily go to sites like Geocities or AOL and choose from a vast variety of pre-made web design templates to construct your own personal page. Grab your url, write some content and place some advertising. Believe it or not this only takes a couple hours. Next thing you know you have a money making website. You can also go to your nearest office supply company like staples or office max and purchase website creating software. These software programs come with pre-made templates to choose from and help guide you through creating a money making website.

Learn how to make easy money from home by selling digital products online. You can do this without a website and make easy money today. Not only is it free to do but It's easy and can be fun. Go to clickbank.com, sign up is free and easy. You will need to create what is called a hoplink. Once you create your hoplink you can search digital products to sell. When you find what you believe would be an easy product to sell and make money click create hoplink. It will generate a free website with your affiliate link in the url. Of course this is a great way to make money from with your own website. I am showing you how to make easy money without any knowledge of coding or creating a website. Now here is how you can get traffic to your new pre-made website with your affiliate link. You can post to forums, either by a short description of the product with the link following or placing your link in your signature. You can practice this method here at our forum. Once you have the technique down there are millions of advertising forums. In your browser type in " advertising forums " and blast away. I do this everyday and it's a fun way to make easy money from home.

Adsense Google

Google AdSense is a new, fast and easy way for small and medium sites to make money free online by displaying relevant, text-based, un-obtrusive ads from Google AdWords (Google's own advertising program) and receiving a share of the pay-per-click payment.

Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, the results can be much better than you'd earn from banner networks and many affiliate programs.

For now, AdSense is the best way to make money free online from informational sites even if there are no obvious related affiliate programs. But you don't need to disregard affiliate programs. You can combine both these ways to make money free online and double your income.

AdSense is easy to join, it doesn't cost you anything, all you have to do is paste a few lines of code into your pages, and Google does the work of finding the best ads for them from hundreds of thousands of AdWords advertisers. You can check the relevance of the ads by looking at the text ads on the right side of this page.

How to get started

  • Go to Google AdSense.
  • Fill in the application form and confirm an email that Google will send you. If you own several sites, you need apply only once.
  • Google evaluates your site and will follow-up with you via email within 2-3 days (usually within 24 hours). If you're accepted, you'll be able to log in to your AdSense account.
  • Log in to your account using the email address and password that you submitted with your application, and agree to the AdSense Terms and Conditions.
  • Paste the AdSense ad code into your Web pages. There are 10 ad layout choices: 728x90, 468x60, 125x125, 120x600, 160x600, 120x240, 300x250, 250x250, 336x280, and 180x150. In addition to text ads, you have an option of running contextually targeted image ads.
    You can choose the color palette from a long list of available palettes or create your own. You can even rotate your ads through up to 4 palettes.
    The AdSense ad code is unique for your account and is not site/page-specific. You can place it on any page or site you own.

How to get the most out of AdSense

There are three obvious ways to increase your income from Google AdSense...

1) Increase traffic
Create more keyword-focused pages. See Building: Site Content: Choosing Keywords for more information on finding the most profitable keywords.

2) Increase click-through rate
Use simple design with the AdSense ads displayed prominently. According to Google, ads in the skyscraper format works better (especially on the right side of the page). Focus to only one topic per page - that should make it easier for Google to serve up the more tightly contextual ads which means better click-through.

3) Increase the value of clicks
Of course, you can't do it directly. However, you can find some "expensive" keywords and create pages optimized for them, within your site's theme. These keywords are highly competitive and you'll unlikely get high ranking for them, but visitors will arrive from other "inexpensive" pages and click on Google's ads.

To estimate the relative value of a keyword, search for it on FindWhat. The search results page will show the cost for each listing.

See also...

Auto Income Secrets
It's a new ebook that shows step-by-step how to build websites focused to make money online from adverts - gather keywords, build pages around them, place ads and promote the website

16 Ways To Make Money Online

The internet is not just good for reading The Onion and posting pictures of your pet hamster to your social networking sites. If you spend any amount of time online, you know that there is money to be made out here in cyberspace; and many of the pioneers in this still vastly uncharted territory have struck it rich with little more than their personal computers and an eye for opportunity. So, how can you get in on the action? Here’s 16 ways that just about anyone (not just geeks) can use to make money online:

1. PPC and CPM Advertising

PPC (Pay Per Click) and CPM (Cost Per Mille) advertising are similar animals. Both require that you place a small bit of code on your site which automatically generates ads of various shapes and sizes (usually depending on your preferences). PPC ads pay you per number of time someone actually clicks on the ad; CPM pays you per number of impressions that their ads get on your site. The amount of the payout is very small—often a fraction of a cent per click or impression–but if you have a large volume of traffic to your site, it can add up quickly.

Learn More: http://www.payperclickuniverse.com/

2. Affiliate Marketing (a/k/a CPA)

Affiliate Marketing requires that apply for membership in an ‘affiliate network.’ That is, an agency that maintains and monitors accounts for various companies who are willing to pay individuals for sales generated through their websites. Again, a small bit of code is placed on your site to generate ads; and when someone clicks on the ad, your unique affiliate number is automatically associated with that person’s IP address. If that individual buys a product from the advertiser, you receive a commission on the sale. Commissions can range between 5-20%, or they can be a flat fee per sale.

Learn More: http://www.affiliatetips.com/

3. Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is used along with PPC, CPM, and Affiliate marketing. A banner is simply a graphic ad that you can sell in any size or shape you wish. Banner ads can be animated, they can rotate through a series of images, or they can be static. In addition to being used with other types of advertising, individual website owners can simply sell banner space at a flat fee or negotiate their own PPC/CPM with independent advertisers which don’t belong to an affiliate network.

Learn More: http://www.davesite.com/internet/webads.shtml

4. Audio Ads

Audio ads begin playing as soon as you land on a website where they are installed. This is a relatively new development in the world of online advertising, and there is some debate about whether or not these are effective or annoying. Audio ad pioneers say they are incredibly effective in getting the user to respond to the ad. Like other ads, you get paid per play or per impression, depending on the advertiser.

Learn More: http://mashable.com/2008/10/03/audio-ad-networks/

5. In-Text Advertising

In-Text advertising is one of the least obtrusive internet advertising techniques. Basically, hyperlinks are placed within relevant text on your website and distinguished from regular links by a double underline. When you place your mouse cursor over the text, a small box appears with additional information on the product or service being advertised. There are advertising services which, when installed, will automatically place the links for you and will even allow you to set parameters for the products you allow to be sold through your site.

Learn More: http://www.wiliam.com.au/wiliam-blog/considering-in-text-ppc-advertising

6. RSS Feed Ads

RSS Feeds are incredibly convenient for websites that update content frequently. The feeds deliver all the new content from websites that the reader subscribes to; making it possible to stay updated on news and information on multiple websites without having to visit each one. That’s great for the reader, but not so much for you if you rely on fresh eyes for your advertising revenues. Thankfully RSS Feed Ads are now available. These allow you to place both graphic and text ads within your RSS feeds so that they are visible to all your subscribers.

Learn More: http://www.doshdosh.com/monetize-rss-feed-advertising/

7. Popups

Popup ads were, at one time, all the rage with online advertisers. When you visited a site, a box would immediately pop up (hence the name), preventing you from seeing the information you needed until you either entered the information required by the advertiser or at the very least, read through the ad inside. Then, tragedy struck! Someone invented the popup blocker. To be fair, pop ups are pretty annoying; but they are still fairly popular with online advertisers. They are especially useful for capturing bits of information for PPA (pay per action) ad campaigns where you are paid for capturing email addresses or other pieces of information from the user.

8. Sponsored Reviews

A sponsored review is basically an advertiser paying a blogger to write about their product or service. This can either be done through a ‘review site’ which facilitates the meet ups between bloggers and advertisers; or it can be done by individual bloggers who offer the service to advertisers for a flat fee.

Learn More: http://weblogs.about.com/od/monetizingablog/p/SponsoredReview.htm

9. Paid Surveys and Polls

You get paid when someone takes the poll that you place on your site on behalf of an advertiser. Polls encourage people to interact with them, and they can be a lot more engaging than regular old banner ads.

Learn More: http://www.vizu.com/index.htm

10. Private Forums

A lot of popular websites will incorporate a message board or forum for their readers to interact with one another. You can generate revenues by charging a small fee for membership on the board, or for access to special sections of the board. This creates a sort of ‘exclusive club’ where members can talk about industry-related topics, exchange valuable information, and socialize. Charging $5-10 a year per user can add up after membership starts to grow.

11. Donations

Don’t laugh. This actually works. If you have valuable content on your site that you are offering for free, it doesn’t hurt to put up a donation link and point people to it once in a while.

12. Ebook Sales

If you’ve got a blog or website about a particular niche, why not capitalize on it by writing an ebook? Believe it or not, you don’t have to be a brilliant writer to create a useful handbook on a subject that you are familiar with. If you write a blog, you can write a decent ebook. However, if you don’t have the time or the energy to write one you can hire a ghostwriter and then all you need to do is worry about marketing and selling it.

Learn More: http://www.zizzoo.com/guides/ebook/index.php

13. Sell Your Website

Some people live for the thrill of a new project. If this sounds like you, then you may want to consider earning money by starting up and establishing new websites and then selling them off for profit.

Learn More: http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/266/how-to-sell-a-website-how-much-is-your-website-worth/

14. Sponsored columns, events, or posts

This is a simple idea that gets back to basics. Simply having a sponsor for regular columns or posts on your site is a great way to earn money. “The Weekly So-and-So brought to you by…” not only earns you money from your sponsor, but it builds a steady readership as people come back week after week for your special content.

15. Premium Content

If you’ve built up a solid website with some really excellent resources, you may consider charging people for access to your premium content. That means creating an area that non-members cannot access unless they pay a small fee. For people who are able to offer readers valuable information, this is a great way to generate some income and help your readers appreciate your content more.

16. Job Listing Bulletin Boards

If you’re involved in a specific market, you may consider creating a job listing board and either charging employers to place ads there, or charging job seekers to access it. (Or both). This may take a little time to maintain and will require special software, but if you’ve got a loyal following it can definitely bring in revenues.

Learn More: http://www.jobcoin.com/