Ways to Earn Money Online to Ways to Earning Money Offline

black duckIf you are just tuning in into reading the ways to earning money online, we recommend an article that we wrote just recently on the 9 More Easy Ways to Make Money and Work at Home.

Going back to business cards, personal confrontations, and real life customer searching, there are many aspects to business and it can be both rewarding, online or offline. Which is the better? You’ve got to decide on your own on which best fits your “personnel” and your business.

Making Money Online

There are many resources in terms of finding customers and turning them into loyal customers just by online communications, and turn them into profits in your pockets. I’ll name some resources that offline businesses don’t have or acquired, that even come close to online marketing.

  1. Social Networking Sites (I.E. Digg, Mixx, Stumble Upon)
  2. Classified Ads (Craigslist)
  3. Forums
  4. Local Directories
  5. Blogs
  6. Networking Business Profiles
  7. E-mail Lists
  8. Job Engines & etc

Online marketers or should I say, online business owners simply have more artillery in terms of finding and targeting a wide range of people and turning them into customers.

Although I know online marketing is today’s newest innovation, one downfall is simply that most of the time if you are trying to sell services like real estate and etc, conversion rates are better offline than online. This is the step where you must think to your self, is my service really accessible online and is it worth the time and effort? Of course any business should still have their own website for those who are already customers, but we’re talking about having their own serious ecommerce site or a site that they have to deal with SEO and etc. This brings us to businesses earning money offline.

Businesses Earning Offline

Going back to sending out business cards to knocking on stranger’s doors, these are methods of offline marketing. In terms of artillery, the only weapon I believe offline marketing have are the Yellow Pages. Everything else takes lots of blind searching and tons of effort, literally, and maybe even a little bit of traveling involved.

The only advantage of real life confrontations is that it is more up close and personal, which makes convertion rates sky rocket. At the end of the day, it matters about how many conversion or sales you’ve made and not by how many customers you’ve had. That is probably one of the main reasons as to why offline businesses will never be ruled out. No matter how great the Internet may be, both have their own resources and advantages to making sales. You’ve just have to find out which fits best with your business model and lifestyle, and your set to make money.


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