Posted by Mohsin On 1:25 PM

Most people are paid for their time in doing a job. If they want to earn more they usually have to work harder or longer hours. If they want to work less it's usually hard luck, or they will at least have to take a pay-cut. You are simply being paid for your time and the skills you use within the time you give.

However, if you were the owner of a large successful corporation then things would be different. Then you could let your business pay others to do all the work for you (from directors down). This is why so many rich people can also have so much free time should they desire it. They have a system in operation that is earning their income for them. Think in a similar way.

Get your own money making system in place. As I said earlier, try to work smarter - not harder.

You don't have to go to the trouble of building up a huge corporation to benefit from a money generating system. These days many thousands of people are doing it on their own, sat in front of a computer screen. And yet, from this corner of a room in their home, they have access to the whole world via the internet. Not only this, but thanks to modern technology most of the repetitive work is actually taken care of for them - automatically, instantly and highly efficiently. Your computer can to a large extent actually automate your business.

For example, if you are interested in promoting affiliate programs, you can be receiving monthly commissions for every customer you find. You can benefit from an on-going income for sales made from people who joined the program through you.

Do you like the idea of building a "residual income" that keeps paying month on month? A residual income is the earning of an on-going income even though you are no longer working on the source of that income. When a writer has finished a novel, or a singer has recorded a song, the royalties continue to create earnings even though the work may have been completed years ago.

Try and adopt strategies that can self run if possible. This is how most riches are made. Equally important is the luxury of having more "free-time", so automate your business wherever you can.

1 Comment

  1. pocketfinder Said,
    my blog gives 3 ways of income.

    Posted on July 16, 2009 at 2:35 PM


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